
Thank you for changing my life!

On Tuesday April 17th I attended a hearing test appointment at my local pharmacy. I booked it on impulse the day before having seen the advertisement in the pharmacy, little knowing how this would change my life.

Peter James explained the test graph reading to me and after I managed only 4 out of 10 spoken words that I had heard I was fitted with Sonetek hearing aids in both ears. The subsequent test showed 10 out of 10 and I purchased the aids there and then. So my thanks are due for that alone, but there’s more....

I have struggled with my hearing for so many years but never admitted it to anyone. I’m sure many other people are the same. But after being fitted with hearing aids I decided to “front-up” and tell my family and closest friends that I was wearing them before they noticed. I was pretty much convinced that everyone would notice immediately! 

I was met with so much understanding and an overwhelming assurance that my aids are not noticeable at all that I wish I had explained my loss of hearing long ago.

I am now so much more confident and can attend events knowing that I can hear and participate. I should have done this years ago because the truth is that other people do not judge you by the way that you look but for the person you actually are.

So thank you for my hearing aids, thank you for my new-found confidence and thank you for changing my life!

Vanessa Evans
North Cornelly